donderdag 4 februari 2010

Costa forum

Dit weblog is een gezellig aanhangsel van het gezelligste forum van Nederland, nl. Costa. Een handwerkforum in brede zin, waar met name patchwork en quilten een centrale plaats inneemt. We zullen dit weblog gebruiken om ons werk tentoon te stellen en voor onze gezamelijke activiteiten! Zo starten we per nu de Costa Lente wedstrijd, en nadere bijzonderheden hierover zal ik later plaatsen!

3 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Taking antibiotics, you increase the chances that bacteria in your body will be able to resist.
[url=] The penicillins are the oldest class of antibiotics, they are widely used in modern medicine. [/url]
[url=] Antibiotics are widely used to treat minor discomforts as well as life-threatening infections. [/url]
[url=] Many vaginal infections are caused by bacteria. And in this case you'd better have some drugs! [/url]

Anoniem zei

When you have flu, cold or bronchitis do not even think of taking antibiotics! It’s no good!
[url=] Antibiotics only work against infections caused by bacteria, fungus and by certain parasites. [/url]
[url=] Be sure that your doctor is aware about all the subtleties of your disease when giving antibiotics. [/url]
[url=] Penicillin is the oldest know antibiotic. Many types of bacteria have become resistant to it! [/url]

Anoniem zei

The penicillins are the oldest class of antibiotics, they are widely used in modern medicine.
[url=] Antibiotics do not fight infections caused by viruses, such as flu, most coughs and bronchitis. [/url]
[url=] You can protect yourself and your family knowing when and how you should use antibiotics. [/url]
[url=] Our superior antibiotics will help you avoid any possible complications after a surgery! [/url]